Decrease Fire Damage Risk with Proper Maintenance and Choose High-Quality Monier Tile Roofing Products
10 May 2021Your roof is a vital piece of your wellbeing and solace. You could decrease the fire damage risk by using fire-safe materials to cover your roof. It’s essential to converse with your roofing worker for hire about the best roofing materials. Class A roof materials are the most fire-safe.
Regularly cleaning your roof is something that you ought to continually do. On the off chance that flotsam and jetsam develop on your roof and bursts into flames, there is a lot more prominent possibility your roof could burst into flames. It’s critical to clean your roof, particularly as the seasons change. It is vital to fix the openings on your roof. On the off chance that you are missing shingles or have openings in your roof, you need to have them fixed. The damaged spots on your roof are significantly more liable to burst into flames.
Or you could choose high-quality Monier tile roofing products.
Monier™ Tiles are Non-Combustible
If roofing experts have to choose one material from the list of asphalt, wood shingles, metal sheets, and concrete tiles, specifically for fireproofing, they will all recommend concrete roofing. Concrete does not catch on fire, and heat does not harm it because concrete is non-combustible and falls under class A fireproofing material. This means that insurance rates are lower because your house is safer. This is just one of the reasons that so many modern homes use Monier™ Concrete Tiles today as the roofing material of choice.
Monier™ Tiles are Fire Resistant
As mentioned above, Monier™ Concrete Tiles are completely non-combustible. As a result, they provide excellent protection against radiant heat from bushfires. Monier™ Concrete Tile roofs have been tested and pass the requirement of AS 3959-2009 for fire zoon construction. Monier™ Concrete Tiles are Class A fire rated, the highest fire-resistant rating available. In areas assessed as BAL-13 to BAL-40, sarking with a flammability index of not more than five must be installed under the tiles and cover the whole roof. In BAL-FZ areas, sarking must cover complete roof and extend over hips and ridges. It must also protrude over the fascia by at least 50mm.
Monier™ Tiles Protects Home from Fire Hazards
Monier™ Concrete Tiles provide superior protection against potential fire hazards such as lightning strikes, stray fireworks, and embers from chimney fires, and electrical sparks from wiring. They also offer protection from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. Monier™ Concrete Tiles with a ceramic granule coating, which protects the top layer from UV and environmental damage. This increases the life of the roof and also ensures that the thermal performance of your home is above standard.
To discover further facts about the fire-safe benefits of Monier™ Concrete Tiles roofing, consult with our company, Higgins Roofing. We proudly announce that this will be one of our top-quality choices for roof restorations, new roofs, re-roofing projects and roof extensions. Our company will meet with you to provide you a quote upon request and help you choose the right roofing material for your roofing needs and exact specifications.
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